Comments : Rosario

  • 12 years ago

    by RSJ

    The capability you possess to write such a poem about this subject that i was oblivious to shocked me, you're truly an A+ writer
    5/5 never the less.

  • 12 years ago

    by sibyllene

    I think this poem stands well alone, based on the skillful language and complex description of the "main character." Knowing the background, however, makes it even more interesting and poignant.

    At first, Rosario seems powerful. She's running with the big dogs, and knows how to use herself as a weapon. And actually knows how to use weapons, of course. So, there's a surface of "yeah, girl power" appeal, but she's really just a tragic figure, actually. Vulnerable and used. I liked how you described her sexuality as a "mountain everyone wanted to climb over." It touches on the fact that she had appeal, but it classifies her as an object (mountain) and goes even further by saying that she's an object that people only think of to overcome.

    I also liked "corpses where left / where her kisses / have been." It's that interesting relationship between death and love (or at least lust). Oh, but it should be "corpses were left," not "where." I think that's what you meant : )

    Are all the things in quotes and brackets from the book? I couldn't quite tell what was you, and what was the author of the story. Those sections are nice for added context, but honestly I think you'd be just as fine without them. They're a little bit of a departure from your voice and narrative. Sometimes that "stepping away" is nice in a poem, to create kind of a back-and-forth feeling, but it's all about what you're aiming for.

    Your first stanza (the one not in quotes, at least) is really really strong. If I had to suggest changing anything, I would maybe lead the poem with that.

    The ending is also great, and I think that's probably the most important part of any poem. It has an ironic, tragic tone that fits the subject matter really well, and ties up the thing succinctly.
