Comments : Just an Ordinary Day

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    He is the outline of an ordinary day
    greeting my fluttering eyelashes with a kiss
    dancing in an early dawn, mating with a coffee cup
    scooting a sluggish bum with a gentle pat and hug
    Oh the ordinary day sounds so amazing. I LOVE the use of fluttering eyelashes with a kiss, awwwwwwwww so very sweet. It reminds me of butterfly kisses.

    Noon time greets a message of "I love you"
    following with a two pm. "missing you my sweet"
    silhouettes of his dimpled smile dance in my heart
    rushing home becomes an orgasmic release
    I love how you have given us the three stages of the day - morning, noon and night. Orgasmic release... awesome words hun to express.

    Falling into a dawn sunset, of cuddling giggles
    my evening becomes an entree of romantce
    devouring each others words with waltzing tongues
    ending an ordinary day, holding hands as we close our eyes.....
    This last stanza is so peaceful and romantic.

    The whole poem is romantic lol I love it. I love the way the poem made me feel when reading it. Gorgeous!!!


  • 13 years ago

    by Ole Carsten

    You are romatic, love it. A dream came through

  • 13 years ago

    by Jenni

    Thank you so much for this poem!
    I always wondered why people do not write about "everyday life" and how it is spent with their love.

    I really loved this poem so much, because you know that even though this might seem like an ordinary day to some people, it's special to the both of you, because it just shows how strong the feelings for the other are and that everyday. You do not need special occansions like valentines day to show how much you love the other.

    So once again thank you for this touching and heartfelt poem!

  • 13 years ago

    by Ms Happiness

    Its really great:)
    Sry I donno how to comment;)

  • 13 years ago

    by Failing Stoic

    I sure hope if I ever get married that I still feel giddy as a teenager, waiting on texts, and getting all excited to see my husband when I get home. Sure, our days are filled with seemingly ordinary occurences, but to fall in love every day, now that is something rare.

    thank you for sharing your happiness with us, it's inspiring and just goes to show how true love doesn't grow old

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    I don't know how I missed this but it's the most realistic poem I have ever read, it's delightful, romantic, sweet, and touching ...gosh I sounded girly just now :)
    Awesome in everyway

  • 13 years ago

    by John Dlyan Boone BABY

    Awe very good i see nothing wrong with it