Not What You Think

by Lioness   Feb 1, 2012

My eyes -
They're swelling
like never

falling down

The agony I feel,
is indescribable

I'm embarrassed as
everyone in my vicinity,
is scrutinizing my every move

I choke up,
this can't be happening...
not now

My nose starts to run,
and the sweat is
seeping from my skin

He passes me a tissue -
and at that moment,
I realised it was over.

I asked that B!T@H
for a mild sauce and
she's given me habanero

*Habanero is a very hot chilli*


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Latest Comments

  • 13 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    Hahaha i loved the twist :D
    never expected it to end like that :D
    enjoyed reading :D awesome write :D

  • 13 years ago

    by kiki

    Lol! it was pretty good!

  • 13 years ago

    by Timothy

    Brilliant attention to detail, ah, such inspiration.

  • 13 years ago

    by Bridges

    Lmao!!!! Oh my GOSH! That served an epic twist! I was seriously like - OH NOOOO!!! D: and then by the end I was like - o.o ??!?! Hahaha Good one! And YEAH, damn it, that waitress!! ;D

    and heyyyy. I should've known from the friggin' title!

  • 13 years ago

    by RSJ

    this was surprising to say @ the least,
    You've totally given me a different impression but The chili sauce note has officaly made my day

    this could be the funniest poem i've read in a while
    5/5 liz, never the less= -)

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