Hope's Existence

by Innocent Fairy   Feb 1, 2012

You've entranced my soul
and with my very breath
my heart wants more

As tears flood my eyes
I long your kiss once more

I can feel your presence
but when gone I feel sore
and there's nothing in the world
that even measures to your name

Your soul has so much wonder
and your eyes glisten an glow,
the passion that flows an lingers
around our very existence

I can't be in a world
where you don't exist
and our love just connects

Your in my dreams
Your in my thoughts
I can't let go

You've captivated me,
in your glancing stares,
in the stars we share
and the moon that shows

We are one
and we will grow old,
but to have forever
in your arms

I can only hope


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Latest Comments

  • 13 years ago

    by Dark Shadows

    We can only hope that our wishes and dreams will come true someday. Heart hopes even when there is no hope.

    Beautifully penned.

  • 13 years ago

    by Gravity

    I like how you believe that you two are going to be together forever, so sweet.

  • 13 years ago

    by average thoughts

    Wow, it was such a beautiful poem..fp frm me too

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    Great opening stanza. And the hope you've penned is refreshing, love should be up lifting and you have penned that here.. good job

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    Ohhhhhhhhhh how nice is this!

    I absolutely love what you have written here.

    I love the first stanza - what an opening

    You really know how to write poems about matters of the heart
