Little one

by DeadMemoriesInMyHead   Feb 4, 2012

Oh how these words flow out of my mind
relieving my heart from its immense burden.

Remembering how we used to be
two souls irrevocably united through love
Oh how that was a beautiful thought.

Yet after 3 years the story ends.
3 weeks of struggle and he appears.
Your heart belongs to someone else now.

Oh how I can feel the pain.
Tears flow
like acid they burn
through my cheek
into my heart

Devastated upper arm
ruined hip
Places no one can see
Places no one can heal
The pain of my flesh heals the wounds of my soul

Oh how you used to call me 'little one'
Oh how I miss that
Oh how I still love you more than you think
Oh how this pain cuts through skin and bones
Oh how I see my end closing

Death seems to smile at me and I'm starting to smile back.

Oh how I love you.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Wicked Ways

    Ouch, reading this stung a little bit guess that's because I could relate to it.

    "Oh how I can feel the pain.
    Tears flow
    like acid they burn
    through my cheek
    into my heart"

    I understand the acid part . trust me. . lol I might've used such an extreme word too. but thats how it feels... I really liked how you ended this as well. . .
    is it bad that I appreciated that you put death into this, i dont know but I really like your poem. . .definitely stirs emotions, good poem :)