by Maple Tree
Oh mercy.... this is a poem that really explodes with heartfelt emotions... I love the creative word usage here...well done Jenni ~ |
by Tara Kay
I liked the beginning but the ending didn't seem right to me, I felt there was something missing, each stanza was good in it's own, I just think that you were missing some thoughts from the piece, |
by Ms Happiness
I love the title:) |
by Lioness
This poem reminds me of that saying where someone is so open that people can read you like a book. I loveeee that you made it a newspaper. Awesome write hun and the first stanza was my favourite |
From the tittle i didnt expect this ... the ways you decribed your emotion as if u were a new paper was awesome .. u dont just wanna be todays headline u want everyday subcriber excelent x |
by L
I do not only want to be |
You're wording is superb, the theme creative and original. |
by ArtistrySoul
Nice poem :)............I felt let down slightly at the end of the poem, something more heart felt would of been better, but all in all i liked it |
by Karla
Jenni |
by Chelsey
I feel like I just told a few people this in my life. How funny you wrote about it Its true, people read too into our lives and truthfully I feel they should not. Our business is our business and people shouldnt interfere, be nosey, give judegment... |
by Decayed
I, too, would love to see more stanzas in this poem because I think it didn't satisfy me ;) |
by Lonely Rider
I love the way you have analogize with a magazine or newspaper. It's brilliant. Powerfula nd thoughful write. |
Appericiated ! |
by CuteThingsGoneWrong
I giggled almost at how it started off with "Stop Reading"... Seriously. |
by christopher
I liked the idea jenni of using the newspaper as a metaphor for your inner most feelings. the way u used the paper to covey this message is clever and innotive. the poem is quiet and also short. a newspaper is always disregarded and thrown out and through irony you get this across in your poem about not wanting to be used like the daily newspaper. i like this poem it was a clever poem done tastefully well. |
by Steven Croat
This is also a great poem:) |
by Unknown
Love the metaphor of the newspaper as your feelings, so great. 5/5 |