Comments : Razors edge _Infidelity

  • 13 years ago

    by Sylvia

    You have captured the emotions that one feels when their lover is unfaithful to them. As I read, your words brought back the hurt and pain of the times that has happened to me. It gave me an understanding of the times I did the same to another and makes me hurt for them. When you love someone so much it does hurt this way if they betray that love. Well done again.

  • 13 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    This piece is a deep, sad, piece.... your word usage is an excellent display that brings the reader in to feel the sadness.... it also touches emotions and pain for everyone who reads this piece.... well done~

  • 13 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    I would like to say nice title first of all. How you use your words in this piece is remerkable. The emotions you have touched and how how you have done it is truly wonderful.

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    I love the first stanza TJ, it makes me think of our emotions being caught in a rip in the waters. You have really written this so well with the descriptions.

    Yes a very deep and sad poem depicting emotions of a lost relationship and unfaithfulness.

    I love it!!!

    Well done TJ, you brilliant poet you!

  • 13 years ago

    by Yakori bint Muhammed

    Amazing TJ, a true naturalist you are. Describing 'infidelity' with the wonders of nature is beyond believe. Your words are articulate and vividly portrayed like a portrait painting. Don't want to discuss the theme of the poem; its reasons and solutions is quiet a broad one. I like this poem alot because its different from the normal themes been written about. Very good effort, a 5 from me. Take care.

  • 13 years ago

    by Ms Happiness

    Its really a sad poem, I love the 1st stanza more than the 2nd, but all togther its a great poem:)5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by Jenni

    I am grateful for every poem you write because they do not only touch and captivate me, they also help me to learn new things. Your poems convey your point of view so very well and I always feel this personal touch to each one of them. Even if some might not be what you feel or experience at that moment in time, your poems describe the feelings you'd have if you did undergo it and it feels so real too.
    Oh and well, whenever I read this kind of poems or with almost any of your poems, I better grab my dictionary since I always stumble upon a few words, but I like that. Since you help me to wider my range. :)

    Now to the poem itself..
    First of all the title. "Razors edge" (or like we'd say in german "on razors edge") I think that this part gives an idea, while it rather leads into the direction of something being dangerous to me and then the word "Infidelity" it made me feel like this poem is written out of the perspective of the person who is cheating, since he/she would be on razors edge.

    I think that the image you used to describe the feelings is very strong, it can also be interpreted in more then one way. On one hand the protagonist is in the ocean and has to deal with the tides, that do come regularly, but that does not make it any better. Water is really powerful, everything the nature gives, but water is ones of the things that can't be controlled and basicially one could understand the tides as the speakers lover, who comes and goes whenever they please, yet they don't let go of you.

    On the other hand and this is probably what you actually meant is water being like a swirl and you getting sucked deeper, not being able to escape and that is the same with the pain one endures because of the unfaithfullness of their partner.

    Overall I think that this is a really powerful and creative poem and you managed to portray the feelings one experiences in that moment very well.

  • 13 years ago

    by Innocent Fairy

    Wow I'm speechless,, this is amazing, wonderful and great a outstanding write I loved it,, great flow fantastic splendid wording just a marvelous write,,an excellent job :) 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by Karla

    My King

    One word to define your piece:perfect.

  • 13 years ago

    by Bridges

    You used a creative metaphor; to twist it in with the raw emotions you're left with after the person you loved and who supposedly 'loved' you, betrays you like this. It was pretty painful to even read! It's filled with so much anguish and anger! Your words are powerful, and cutting-edge, you get right down to the heart-of-the matter. It's really sad that THIS had to be the 'matter' though..
    I think this is an amazing write!


  • 13 years ago

    by Chelsey

    One of the saddest experiences is going through infedility. I cant stand unfaithfulness, if your that type of person I dont understand why people even get into relationships..

    You have penned a crazy poem here. The words were so angry and yet so deep and powerful, those who have gone through it and even those who have not cant feel your attitude towards this person and this subject.

    Great write!

  • 13 years ago

    by Decayed

    TJ, I like how you took this brutally dark poem to humanity levels of unfaithfulness. Each line stood to me like a mountain of powerful language.

    though I'd like to see this line edited:

    Rattle of ones last breath escape blue lips

    because it feels somehow wordy. just an opinion though.... for the rest, I really love the wording and what social messages you're trying to say.


  • 13 years ago

    by Exostosis

    Oh bro, this piece is very descriptive. The vocabulary is powerful and the metaphors are extremely good. This piece chisels one's soul, yet the physical pain isnt felt, but the emotional turmoil is elevated.

  • 13 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    This poem really goes deep, and the emotions you pen are just breathtaking, they have a spirit of their own and are linked with a sad understanding......there's a lot to read into your thoughts and especially the unfaithfulness, never experienced it of course but you make want to strive towards loyalty in someone even more.

    Powerful piece, powerful title, and really beautiful yet devastating how you portray each thought.
    Take care!