Dreams, ... and then?

by Larry Chamberlin   Feb 6, 2012

"All her dreams have come true"
Yet in the face of this praise
her gaze lowers, she stays quiet,
for she knows that it is not so.

Dreams she had as a younger woman
have unquestionably been fulfilled
but now it seems there is so far to go
it is foolish to believe in her success.

Once she yearned to move to distant land,
fly the skies, marry well, mother children
with handsome professional to protect
and help her raise a family in love.

All this came to pass
as dreams sometimes do;
and yet there was no end -
no completion - no ever after.

More worries came than happiness:
concerns for her daughters, their lives,
their success, their happiness;
got in the way of her fairy tale ending.

Ah! Now is the moment of recognition,
if she'd had only those dreams, then
fulfilled them, what would she have
but the emptiness of a finished life?

Her flights to the sky reveal
new horizons, new journeys -
the fortune of never ending quests
and so life ever begins anew.


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  • 12 years ago

    by nouriguess

    Success and having a good career isn't a dream came true. My father wants me to be a doctor, I want to write. When I get high marks this year, he will think that my dreams came true, only they didn't. I can relate to this write so much.

    If only my father thought the same way you do!
    To my favorites.

  • 12 years ago

    by Yrem Crish

    I feel the taste of emotion in this poem..i love the style..oh, this is my fav poem from you:=)

  • 12 years ago

    by Dreamofolwin

    Absolutely loved this... It so speaks of a womans heart & her desires in life ... and of course dreams, that as you have rightly said ~ Never end :))

    So well worded and expressed, and yes life does "ever begin anew" :)

    Looking forward to reading more of yours!
    ~ Olwin

  • 13 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    I glad I came across this one

  • 13 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    Brilliant write. Something to read between every line.

    What would life be without dreams....pointless i guess :)

    all the best and take care

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