The bed isn't warm...It will grudgingly come up to temp as I toss and turn.
Lacking is the play of our shared energy radiating the room
heating the sheets
-- sending us safely into the deepest of sleeps.
Fitfully I sleep and reach out for your soft form.
My hand to search for that place between your breasts; your heartbeat...
...or you roll over and lay your arm across me and settle your head on my chest
..our hearts share beats.
...your hair fanned over my shoulder, warming me.
My reach only finds sheets and lonely pillows tonight.
The bed vast and accommodating
to our pleasure seeking has become a desert haunted by the echos of gasps, moans, and giggles...
Not a sad place,
just empty...I can't fill it up.
On the night stand is your coffee cup.
I'll help your lonely pillow pull it to me and inhale you...
Sleep will overcome me...
Dreams will take me...
There you'll be...
Ringlets, Smiles, Laughs, Eyes alight...
I'll meet you there.