The Real Me

by Tomiladeo Seun   Feb 6, 2012

`I know the real you
I formed you in my image`,
Says the Lord my God.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Tomiladeo Seun

    Yeah Luce,I checked and you are right as always.I can`t believe I didn`t know that.Guess I`ll have to pay more attention in(or get myself to attend more classes of) ENG103.

  • 13 years ago

    by L

    Uhmm.. I think you where trying to make a senryu or a haiku...

    The first sentence has if I'm not mistaken 6 syllables rather than 5.

    I know the real you === Real is made up of 2 syllables. I used to think it was one :)