What I Want?

by Tomiladeo Seun   Feb 6, 2012

I need it bad
Something just out of my horizon
Beckoning to me while fleeding.
I see it far off
a tiny minute speck
so indecipherable that it fades out of sight.

My life is lacking it
With such fervor I don`t know what it is
making me go mad and sad making me feel bad.
I want what I know not
D**n! what or who is so elusively precious
rotating my life around an unmapped orbit
seeing me spiralling into gloom.

Is it love or is it school?
Money I am sure it isn`t, or is it?
My heart and brain aren`t at loggerheads
they are just dead to each other
tearing me apart and at the same time making me feel numb.

At once I pace and feel like punching
and then I gaze as sleep slowly befuddles me.
I am lost inside of myself
screaming at myself while shushing me
I am angry, I am sad, I an what I don`t know.

Who will save me?
What do I want?
What will save me?
Who do I want?
I want myself back
A healed me, a free me
a smiling-truly me. I want love,
to love truly and be truly loved.

I want fun, serious fun
devoid of guilt away from work
I want to know my courses as the back of my hand
I want the passion to read but1it just evades me,
slipping out of my trembling fingers
frozen with fear and uncertainty of
me facing this examination.
I want to feel examination fever
not this numbing feeling of waiting for the inevitable.
I want...

It builds slowly and then rushes at m
With bloody outstretched arms
aiming for my life-pipe
Wanting to stop the flow of life into my
Dead soul.
I can`t scream, as if dumb,
I writhe in silent agony
not knowing what ails me but feeling 1
every buffeting symptom of this dreadful disease.

Please help me!
Give me what I want
But what is it that I want?
I want...


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  • 13 years ago

    by Tomiladeo Seun

    I know what I want,it`s just that I want a lot of things and they seem impossible.So I`m asking:what are those things really(their essence) that I want and why do they have such powerful effects on me?Thanks for the comment Luce.

  • 13 years ago

    by L

    Well, I could say that you don't know what you want, but based on what I read, I can deduct that you really do know what you want you just don't want to say it or rather you haven't find it so its fair to say that what you want it's difficult to find but everyone can find it. It's just a matter of time. :)

    By the way, nice write. Sounds like a riddle in a poem. Good one. But indeed sad.