Barrel Horse

by xoxShorteexox   Feb 7, 2012

Sitting in that well-worn leather saddle awaiting the gate to open,
spurring his side to run through the gate at a high speed,
making a fast rush towards the first barrel,
pulling his reins to swift his whole body into the turn
around this tin barrel,
watching the arena sand fly from beneath his hooves,
urging him onto the next barrel with a gentle tap of the heel,
leaning in the saddle as he leans into the second barrel turn,
as the barrel starts to tip, falling onto its side,
heart in my throat and hands shaking watching it lay there,
pushing him forward onto the third and final barrel with an
extra rush of speed and new found determination,
as we make our last turn around this rusty barrel,
spurring him on towards the gate with a burst of speed,
slowly getting off his back and staring into his eyes
with the saddle going up and down from his labored breathing,
smiling at him even after the failed attempt and patting
his nose while whispering to him;
"that's okay, Bo, at least we tried."


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  • 13 years ago

    by Marvellous least, the diction speaks maturity, well enough..I think. Intriguing try. Ride on!