Leave me alone

by Angel   Feb 8, 2012

I'm tired of the pain and tired of the hurt
I thought he liked me because all we did was flirt

Then she came and spread the words
And everyone believed what they had heard

Now I'm only looked down upon
And only someone to poke fun of

Shes already all over him
So I might as well let her win

Because it's not worth the drama or the pain
In the end I know I'll be left in the rain

Too bad you never heard my cries
Because of how well I hid them with lies

You thought I was innocent as a lamb
But I'm not the girl you think I am

There is so much more to me
Than you will ever see

So don't you even pick up your phone
I just want you to leave me alone


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  • 13 years ago

    by Marvellous

    When delayed, there's still more to find, It's not yet clicked, still remain kind.. Delay is never denial.. Stay patient.. Good wright.

  • 13 years ago

    by Lauren denbow

    This is soooo good((:

  • 13 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Don't give her the satisfaction and let her win. The war is not over until it's over

  • 13 years ago

    by James Weatherbee

    You should never give up. Lifes to short to let others take the things you want. You know what the person said to be lies so why care what she says. I know how you feel giving up seams so easy when your hurting but trust me its not a good way to deal. You have a strong heart as is evident in the song your heart sings in words so just never give up your better then that. Sorry if I bothered you

  • 13 years ago

    by Jaida

    Love this....very good:)