Beginning Hesitation

by jaime   Feb 8, 2012

It's hard to breathe knowing she dangles my heart near her feet close to the ground she can crush it without a sound or realize that we can have something profound mindless notions are being conceived
Perceived by a hopeless romantic not a fanatic of that primary hesitation constant contemplations to this shared situation
Don't know if the feelings will be accepted be rejected once again this feelin has injected itself rushing through my veins she continually passes through my brain
The doubt is driving me insane waiting for my conscious to regain out of frame whenever I hear her name will she acknowledge my heart to be real give me the chance to show her what I feel or will time reveal a different situation
The realization that her heart might have made it to its destination in anothers man's hands this feelin is hard to understand lost without a plan
The butterflys that arise keep me in a daze illogical reasoning just fending I'm tired of meaningless interactions I hope you are a lasting satisfaction


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  • 13 years ago

    by Whispy.Gypsy

    I love the word choice you have made and it is a good meaning and a strong message great job 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by Wicked Ways

    "It's hard to breathe knowing she dangles my heart near her feet close to the ground she can crush it without a sound or realize that we can have something profound "

    I really love your wording as I already told you that I love the flow in your writings..... This one is a good one and I can understand the feeling...i just like how you worded it :)

    "Don't know if the feelings will be accepted be rejected once again this feelin has injected itself rushing through my veins she continually passes through my brain"

    For someone who likes rap.. I'm really taking a liking into your verses here its so nice that up there is awesome wording once again :) I could say a lot of things about the words in here and the way you put them together all nicely. . . . but I think you get the jist of it.. :D Nice work..keep writing and keep postin :)