My Last Thought

by John Dlyan Boone BABY   Feb 9, 2012

Tore my heart open with your blade
cut open the scars I left unattend,
made me regret all of my ways
did I make the wrong choice when i chose you?
broke my heart split it into two
sent the love in my veins away
made hate turn with rage
burnt everydrop I owned,
really turned your self into a ghoul,
when you appear in my dreams
I break into a deep sweat
every memory flooding back
all the past I ever had with you once more,
I hate you for you killed my passion
once held now is a dried oasis,
As I cry this last sentance
I ask that all memories serving
you be swept into the garbage.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Wicked Ways

    Thisi s a really sad poem, I do like reading sad poems too much maybe because I can relate to them more than happy ones... but this is tragic and I can totally understand how you could feel so torn apart inside. .

    'I hate you for you killed my passion
    once held now is a dried oasis,"

    nice word choice.. Good poem :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Salina Is Beautiful

    Nice love it 5/5

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