Gone To Heaven

by A Poets Handwriting aka ALISHA   Feb 10, 2012

It was a good day, that turned sour.
It would seem you hold that power.
You actually brought tears to my eyes
All when I heard of three lost lives...

Gone are three beautiful people now
Drawn towards heaven amongst the clouds.
Taken from friends and family to God above
But your memory survives with those you love.

Memories cherished and held tight
Plucked from the minds of all that night
Each smile, each laugh, each silly photograph
Each dream, each destiny, each chosen path

Memories flowing strong, for those three
But sadness reigns above all mentally
The tears still flow though its been weeks
The incident is all that people speak

Such despair, such loss, such pain
And it was caused by a drunk driver again
Turned a good day into a nightmare
Lost three lives, and left another in disrepair

Nothing helps, no matter what we do
Life just goes on with or without you
Can't help what happened, can't bring you back
Just a whole in the heart, so very pitch black

Gone forever, but never forgotten
Because life goes on, however rotten
Gone so young, didn't deserve to die
Now you're Angels in Heaven up high

By Alisha Sherden
22 April 2011


B.A.B. 21/06/93 - 08/04/11
M.D.P. 12/01/93 - 08/04/11
N.J.J.S. 19/03/95 - 09/04/11


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  • 12 years ago

    by Khalid M Darwish

    So sorry for the loss. May God bless all. This is really full of sadness. Great poem

  • 12 years ago

    by DeviousCharmer

    Lots of emotion. sad, i almost cried.

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    This really hit me hard. :( last year there was 3 young girls in my community, one who i graduated high school with, who died in a plane crash. such a great dedication to these young people, so sorry for your loss. 5/5

    • Thanks. And sorry for yours also. I'd never wish that pain on anyone and I wasnt even as close to them as others had been. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Means the world. (:

  • Thanks for taking the time to read and comment (:

  • Thanks for taking the time to read and comment (: