
by Innocent Fairy   Feb 10, 2012

I write when I can't say
what's on my mind
but it's always hard
to find the words
for the feelings
running through my veins.

Sometimes the words
come so easy that I can sing.
Flowing with intensity and
can never stop
until my hands start hurting
and I pause
while trying to catch my breath.

Sometimes I write
just to stop crying
and sometimes
I write just to stop feeling.

Sometimes I wanna feel numb
because the feelings become
too much to handle.
Sometimes I just want to write
for fun and feel creative
or because I want to spread
with the world inspiration
and give peace, hope and joy.

Sometimes I read
to escape and sometimes I read,
knowing I'm not alone.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    Oh brilliant hun,

    Sometimes I write
    just to stop crying
    and sometimes
    I write just to stop feeling.
    I feel like this sometimes to when writing. It's like the emotions need to be let out so we can begin to feel normal again. The pain releases within the pen / paper or typing and it feels a little better for a moment.

    Awesome poem


  • 13 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Wow, Kristian... this poem is so powerful and really touched me. I think everyone on this site can relate to this, since we all write poetry and we have different reasons for writing, but mostly it's to express our emotions. I really love this poem, you've written amazing imagery and I was captivated from start to finish.

    This poem is perfect and great! I have one suggestion:

    "Sometimes I wanna feel numb"
    >>> how about you change 'wanna' to 'want to'

    Other than, amazing!! Great job hon!

  • 13 years ago

    by Dark Shadows

    I liked it.Almost all here said they write what they feel.You are the first to say that you sometimes write for fun and creativity.

  • 13 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    I feel you on this one

  • 13 years ago

    by average thoughts

    This one is amazing ..dear..