Our daily bread

by sun spots   Feb 10, 2012

If you really love someone,
you should always let them know.
Let no shadow of doubt,
on your face show.
Do everything you can,
to show your love is true.
And if you do this daily,
then daily she will love you.
Its easy for me to love her,
and i will never fail.
to show how much i love her,
and that love will never pale.
She is a real angel,
and she has come to me.
I will make her happy,
and set her true love free.


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  • 12 years ago

    by sun spots

    You are the most beautiful woman i have ever met.XXX.

  • 12 years ago

    by sun spots

    Ah thats a beautiful thing to say stephen x

  • 12 years ago

    by sun spots

    I can only write what you have put into my heart,
    and what i write is a true image of what i see and feel for you.XX.

  • 12 years ago

    by sun spots

    You are really at you best today. You have done some lovely poems. X