Comments : Goodbye to "Love"

  • 13 years ago

    by Wicked Ways

    You were just the final straw that brought my caring to a grinding halt;

    I like those lines, and I like this poem, it's like waking up finally. . . . realizing it was time to move on and that you're better than the pain ... its hard but u really cant say anything other than goodbye... nice poem :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Xionide

    "I've jumped before without so much as a 'chute
    and went free-falling into nothing."

    that line is great, not sure what it is about it, but it stands out for the better.

    all in all, this was a good release of emotion brought forth into poetry. I like it.

  • 13 years ago

    by Miss Lonely Teacher

    The line "i've jumped before without so much as a 'chute and went free-falling into nothing" refers to 'falling in love'. i suppose i did make it a bit vacant lol. it's like when you jump from a plane, you have the parachute. it's a safety measure. in this, i jumped without that safety measure and after the fall i hit ground.

    lol hope that makes sense ^_^