Deeper and Deeper. Lower and Lower

by fakingeverything   Feb 11, 2012

All of it's an act,
It's really just a show,
To hide my darkest secret
So that nobody knows.
So that nobody can see,
How much I have changed,
How low I have reached,
In my darkest days
Which seem to be occurring
More and more this time.
I've tried to shake it off,
But I know that I'm not fine.
I know there is something wrong,
Something terribly terribly bad
Is going on inside my head
And it's making me go mad.
I've tried fake being happy
So that it will become real
But the smiles are becoming
Way too hard to steal.
I'm getting deeper and deeper
Into this depression I truly hate.
And I'm scared of the day
When help will be too late.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Depression is a serious thing, people just don't know. Trying to control the depression instead them controlling us it can be done, not easy at all