Follow the Leader

by PinkyPrincess   Feb 11, 2012

You coerced me to swallow your list of demands
until I'd collapse, drunk on your restrictions.
Intoxicated by your manipulative words,
I keep losing pieces of me as I follow your lead.

I attempt to stand yet I have no balance.
Waves of ignominy ripple my entire being.
Living in fear - living an oppressed life,
without the strength to persevere.

My vision is blurred - I can't distinguish between
the truth and the lies; they appear to be the same.
I seem to have lost all of my possessions,
for I myself have become your possession.

Even when I'm hungover, you feed me your booze,
reluctant to grant me permission to become sober.
Longing for my freedom - if such notion exists;
perhaps I will be free when I vomit the last drop.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Sunshine

    I dont think, I know and believe that this is one of your finest arts, Sarah, it was interesting to read from the 1st line! Actually from the opening words, very interesting wording.

    I love your pressure on the same tone, loved the conxn of your ideas and definitely loved the mood. Somehow different to see from yyou, like this gloominess, I love your Love poems, but I think now, I love all the genres you write. you have reached this level where you are being able to leave an impact with whatever thought you need to elaborate.

    hats off, this was really very heartfelt, and it left a lump in my throat, honest...

    Keeep this up! I want to see more of it!

  • 13 years ago

    by Ole Carsten

    I like this poem, the richness in it

    My vision is blurred - I can't distinguish between
    the truth and the lies

    these lines are pure and clean thoughs for me

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    This was mind blowing and amazing the first stanza my mouth fell open. Your wording was powerful and precise.

    The emotions that ran through this piece was like a tornado, drawing the breath from each reader. Excellent , just excellent

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    Hey hun,

    I well and truly believe that this is one of the best pieces I have read from you.

    So full of emotion and truth in this poem. I really enjoyed reading it. It felt like you opened up to your readers more than ever and really told us how you were feeling. Exposing your emotions. I think it is wonderful.

    I seem to have lost all of my possessions,
    for I myself have become your possession.
    Wow, so very powerful. The title really speaks in itself. It makes me think of peer pressure etc.

    Awesome hun!!!


  • 13 years ago

    by xoxShorteexox

    Wow, hun... That was so dark and compelling... The depth of this poem opens up so much emotion.
    It was such a great poem; the flow and wording was perfect. This was beyond incredible, Sara.

    Nominating it. (:



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