My Soul To Keep

by My Other Side   Feb 12, 2012

My Soul To Keep

Bob was a pilot who loved to fly.
Bobbie was 10, the apple of his eye.
He never had a son, but didn't mind.
He sure loved that girl, his little sunshine.

He loved to sing to her, how she loved that one song.
No matter how often he would sing it, she would sing along.
Daddys baby, oh yes you are
Daddys girl, you'll go so far
Your my baby, oh yes it's true
Daddy will do, anything for you

It was august in the north, the weather looked fair.
So Bob took his girl, up-up in the air.
Higher and higher, into the sky they climbed.
Daddy and daughter together, oh what a time.

Bobbie looked towards the mountains, in her eyes a plead.
Bob simply smiled and sighed, her wish he would heed.
So off towards the mountains, they were quick to fly.
He loved to please that girl, his little sunshine.

Around the mountains side, oh what a site.
But what they seen next , gave them both a fright.
The tempest blew in fast, there was nowhere safe to land.
Bob looked over at his girl, she calmly held his hand.

Bobbie had no fear. With dad she never did.
Bob knew he had raised, on tough little kid.
He said, I'm gonna put her down over on that ridge.
So buckle up tight kid. And bobbie did.

Bob picked up his little girl, she wasn't making a sound.
She must have struck her head when they hit the ground.
He thought quick, he knew what he had to do.
He had everything together in a minute or two.

He pulled her and the supplies, Bobbie was wrapped up tight.
He looked back often, to see that she was alright.
They were nearing the place, he intended to go.
Then it happened fast, three wolves showed.

Without a thought he turned, knife in hand.
One wolf was down, but another lunged in.
He heard his daughter scream, that one went quick too.
The one on his back, quickly piled atop the other two.

He knew Bobbie was alive, he could hear her cry.
He pulled his girl fast, praying she would be alright.
Into the shelter and out of the storm.
He started a fire first, he had to keep Bobbie warm.

He pulled her up close, a reasuring kiss and hug.
She was shaking from the cold, and had lost much blood.
He looked in to her eyes, and knew it would not be long.
So Bob started singing Bobbie her favorite song.
Daddys baby, oh yes you are
Daddys girl, you'll go so far
Your my baby, oh yes it's true...
It was breaking his heart, she was singing too.

Bobbie was quiet now, she wasn't shaking or making a sound.
Bob swallowed hard, holding back tears, he looked down.
Brave blue eyes looked back up at him.
Then Bobbie slowly put her hand to his chin.

She said, I'm not cold anymore daddy, I just want to sleep.
I already said my prayer daddy, "My Soul To Keep".
Her hand slipped from his chin, and onto her chest.
Sobbing, Bob pulled his little girl, tight against his breast.

He didn't stoke the fire, only held his girl tight.
Bob passed too... singing.
Sometime deep in the night.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Burning Angel

    Wow, this was amazing. i loved it. you were right. it was a tear jerker and I loved how he done everything to protect his daughter, even if, in the end they both lost their lives. I guess what hit me most was the prayer and song they sung together. :) I love it! There is so much emotion in this piece and the reader will always have an emotional time reading this!

  • 13 years ago

    by Nobody cares

    OMG everything in this poem is so beautiful. It literally made me cry. the details are so vivid. Just gotta say Out of all the poems ive read in this website this poem is the best there is. Amazing Job =) 5-5. but in my mind it broke my scale

    • 12 years ago

      by My Other Side

      Thank you very much for reading this piece. It was emotional to write as well. The song comes from what I sang to my daughter from birth on and still do on some occasions.

  • 13 years ago

    by My Other Side

    Oops what am I doing???

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