Understandng her through Philosophy

by Karla   Feb 12, 2012

Her language has no curves
or colors.
She dwells on the syntax of silence,
trying to be a subject
when subject she can't be yet.

Should I classify her wordless mouth
as she hides a silent zone in her throat,
in her fear of being what she is?

Maybe she reminds me of Sartre
and his definition of silence.
But does her sewn tongue mean anything
to me?

I acknowledge her dissolution
in language because language
can't explain her meaning
in a meaningless place.
Did she forget to search
for significance in her written words?

She clothed herself in an aura
of indeterminate significances
as Habermas said.
(I am trying hard to apprehend her philosophically)

I mind not her contemplation
for our intersubjective language holds mysteries
and pain.
Wittgenstein would explain her attitude
through his theories of what we can
or can't talk about
or even his invitation to silence.

Her death of speech
she says "I am not"
I reply:
"I am afraid but we are"

Karla Bardanza


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  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness


    I love the first two lines!!!

    Her language has no curves
    or colors.
    It makes me think that this person is somewhat dull in certain ways, as well as straight in her ways of thinking. The idea of colours makes me think of a vibrant personality and the curves makes me think of different ways of thinking.

    Love your poem!!!


  • 13 years ago

    by Ronel McCarthy

    Thought-provoking ! Lovely Karla

  • 13 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Karla, your piece makes me speechless....Powerful messages in a display of wonderful words... well done~

  • 13 years ago

    by Timothy

    An honest and fantastic poem! Last stanza was brilliantly put and the line "I mind not her contemplation for our intersubjective language holds mysteries and pain" was inspiring. Wow, such talent.

  • 13 years ago

    by Ms Happiness

    A really great poem^_^