Deep attraction

by sun spots   Feb 12, 2012

I have always been in love,
from the moment i first saw you.
I cannot say what it was,
that attracted me to you.
Something deep inside me,
said, yes, she is the one.
And we had two fantastic years,
but then you were gone.
Forget about that now,
because i can love you again.
The same love as before,
but even stronger than then.
You have always been mine,
and i was always meant for you.
And we will be together,
so we can start our love anew.

Alleen maar echt liefde heb ik over voor jou.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Chevalier des Fleurs

    Absolutely amazing! So beautiful and enchanting. I never believed in love at first time really but since I met this one girl I true feel exactly the way you expressed yourself within this poem. Great work. 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by sun spots

    You have always been lovely.xx

  • 13 years ago

    by sun spots

    Thats lovely stephen x