The Dream

by My Other Side   Feb 12, 2012

You were in my dream again. We were walking
near a pond, holding hands.

The stillness of the water, was broken by the
frogs jumping from the Lilly pads.
A gentle breeze, carried the lotus
like aroma of the lily's yellow flowers.
It had both of us in a drunken state.
You spoke then. Oh, how your voice played
on my ears. Indescribable.. like a favorite

The sun was beginning to peer over the
distant hills. Falling on the redness of
your lips. Burning in your eyes like two
fiery orbs. We were pulled tight.
The birds were beginning to sing.
I awoke then with a smile
This will be another fine day.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Burning Angel

    I love this poem!

  • 13 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Simply Beautiful ~ i love the elegance and simplicity of the precious piece....very nice~

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