Save One More for Jesus

by Tangerine   Feb 13, 2012

The clean white walls

and the newly mopped floors

salute to our uniforms.

The soles of our shoes

know each and every room

Like the lines of our very own fingers.

Each second on our watch is golden

for a big responsibility is in our hands.

A lot of things to organize

Your diet, labs, physical therapy

your medicine, your treatment plan.

All of these to be done in eight hours,

or more if we count the unpaid overtime.

As we hurry up to get everything going

we forget our stomachs' demands,

and delay all things natural..

as our lips manage to smile

our warm hands hold your shaky ones.

For all our itsy-bitsy to humongous sacrifice,

we are rewarded by your gradual recovery.

A return of appetite, a chance to ambulate once more

the control of bowel movements, a restful night without pain,

a boost of confidence, and another day to live again.

Because we have sworn fidelity,

We can not guarantee your recovery

but we do believe in God's miracles.

The best we can do is support you

in the most humane way possible

so you may get better or sleep in peace.

We were trained to be one step ahead.

Our hearts always hope for your good health,

Our eyes are always on guard for the worst,

Our whole being shall be ready to give care.

We will always be busy helping save lives.

We will gladly save one more for Jesus everyday.

*For all members of the health care team. The title is inspired by a post on every nursing station at SPCMC.

"Save One More For Jesus"


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  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    I remember working as a volunteer in a home for the aged for a few months while reading this piece. Every passing second seemed wasted. The rush, running to help a patient up, the adrenaline. It was so intense. But the feeling of hope and relief at the end of the day was satisfying even though our stomachs were growling :)

    Great piece. Keep writing 5/5


  • 13 years ago

    by Holly Roberts

    That is AMAZING. <3 I L-L-LOVE IT! c:

  • 13 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Sounds like a nurse to me, beautiful