Comments : Exult

  • 13 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    Sylvia, I am amazed by the beautiful imagery here ... the whole poem is filled with lovely images ...

    /While under a cloudless sky of harmony in spring,
    the thought of evening brings dreamers songs.
    // These are my favorite lines. They sound so delightful :D Loved the way you have penned them :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Ronel McCarthy

    Lovely write !

  • 13 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    Poets sleep on a cold mountain of longing,

    ^^A cold mountain of longing where all the hearts come to rest when their wish goes unheard..I like this line!

    Buried beneath the surface, imaginations seek,
    search for hurtful memories withered away by time.

    ^^And from this words arise for every poet to pen his/her sadness where the mind goes beyond to produce their pain into moving words.

    Women echo the meaning of dark discord,
    the memories whisper, summer is dying.
    Crickets, their mischief played in autumn,
    peacocks hunker down in a season of piety,

    ^^I like this stanza. It brings nature and human nature together blending it nicely..liked the read :)

  • 13 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    Amazing choice of words and so much has been said with such few words. This piece has the ability to take you places even with open eyes. Great write.

    all the best and take care

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    This was beautiful :) the imagery was breathtaking, the tone of it was delicate and deep. I think this maybe my favorite of yours.

  • 13 years ago

    by Jad

    Sylvia, you really know how to take my imagination and play with it. I love this poem. I just love nature poems and how you are able to see the changing season and especially when someone goes from season to season with crystal clear imagery, which is what you have done. The poem was very strong and the message was just as as strong. The poem had a really good flow for me and I was able to read right through it and I found every bit of it a joy to read.

    "amongst shadows of winter as oceans cry.
    Buried beneath the surface, imaginations seek,
    search for hurtful memories withered away by time."
    These were my favorite lines as it created some of the most beautiful imagery I have seen in a poem. I could just picture your words in my head and the entire metaphor of the poem was impressive and told wonderfully. I really can't say much because your talent is overflowing in this piece.

    In all, I really think you excel in the nature category and its been a long time since I have read such a wonderful, descriptive piece. I couldn't really find anything to critique except maybe breaking the poem up and adding more to it! I am glad I was able to read this piece and I hope you write more like this. Great job and keep writing!

  • 13 years ago

    by Exostosis

    An excellent piece.

    Crickets, their mischief played in autumn,
    peacocks hunker down in a season of piety,
    while crows await the night after dusk
    to hear the child within ourselves rejoice the seasons.

    ^ I personally love how you've mentioned Crickets, peacocks and crows, which represent different weather/temperature/day, etc. Peacocks are associated with the rain. Crickets chirp at a higher temperature. Crows are usually an omen. But they can represent the evening/night. And in some parts of the world they are believed to be reincarnation of ancestors. And in some they are believed to be messengers.

    The imagery is vast and plenty rich.

    Very well written.

  • 12 years ago

    by Cinda Berard

    I loved this. It reads like one pondering out loud within nature, like a Robert Frost Poem. Take Care

  • 12 years ago

    by mandy

    " for hurtful memories withered away by time." - This line stood out for me.

    After I read this I became lost in thought, this was a very beautiful poem. 5/5

    mandy :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Ray Blue

    Great lines~
    "search for hurtful memories withered away by time.
    While under a cloudless sky of harmony in spring,
    the thought of evening brings dreamers songs."

    Perfection! true feelings of joy! 5/5!

  • 12 years ago

    by NightFlyer

    Magnificent cosmic feeling in this poem, Sylvia!. Sorry for the very late reply! :( The imagery of the eternal, intricate cycle of the seasons turning and along with them, our thoughts and dreams; so eloquently penned here. One can sense the connection between our minds and the earth and seasons after reading your poem!