
by Blissful   Feb 14, 2012

Hold me
as the sun sets

a soul
yearning to flee

those eyes
scripted hazel


The Musette, created by Emily Romano is a poem that consists of three verses of three lines
each. The first lines have two syllables; the second lines have four syllables, and the third lines
have two syllables. The rhyme scheme is a/b/a for the first verse; c/d/c for the second verse,
and e/f/e for the third verse. The title should reflect the poem's content.


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  • 13 years ago

    by L

    Another short and cool piece.

    I find it really hard to write form poetry and this one just seems to be easy but hehe, I know once I attempt it, I will simply twist my brain over and over until I wrung it too much and due to it, my brain could become dry.

    So great job.

  • 13 years ago

    by Daisy if you do

    You know I didn't even notice this poem had rhyme until I read Mels comment. I only noticed the powerful flow of this piece. Quite an enjoyable read my dear. I would love to try this form but struggle with the forms, which seems to flow so easily from your quill.

  • 13 years ago

    by Melpomene


    This is one of those pieces where I go wow why do I hate rhyme so much because you made it flow with ease and fit beautifully with the topic at hand. I've always told you I find it hard for a love poem to provoke me, that I think love isn't easily described in words, most of the time I don't think it's possible until certain writers come along and blow my idea right out of the water; you did that here.

    Not often easily impressed by a love poem, really not easilly impressed by a rhyme poem either but you did it. I must say this poem is as pure as the word pure gets. Your writing has improved a hell of a lot and I'm glad to see you participating in these little forms Britt has going in the club, you are rocking at them!

    'scripted hazel disguise'

    ^agree with Britt. This is a gorgeous description.

    Well done on perfecting another form. I wont even attempt this one!


  • 13 years ago

    by Britt

    'scripted hazel disguise' is beautiful. I really adore the rhymes here and feel it just went together SO beautifully. Awesome job on this form, you seriously kicked butt here. Such a beautiful piece! :)

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