
by rosey   Feb 14, 2012

Listen ... hear... wonder... feel...
pay close attention to the beauty that God surrounds us with.
Watch the sunrise.
Watch the sun's light slowly cascade across the land.
See the sun reflect off of the pure, clear, blue waters.
Smell the warm grass outside of your protective shield.
Sniff the sent of daisies and violets in the valley below.
Feel the warm sunshine on your face.
Feel the soft fingers of warm wind push the hair away from your face.
Hear the the trees swaying to the music of the winds.
Listen to the soft clap of waves along a rocky shore.
Feel the grass growing beneath your feet.
Wonder why God created such a beautiful place for us to live in.
Break away from the loneliness that you feel.
Explore the wonderful land that holds many mysterys to solve.
Listen... hear... wonder... feel...


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