Crying within.....

by Rihanna   Feb 15, 2012

Salty tears fall from your eyes.
Crying is what keeps you away from lies.

Salty tears tastes like an ocean.
Crying is a silence not a commotion.

Crying until you're eyes become
Losing tiny pieces of your mind.
Your dignity won't be able to find.

Crying is what keeps you away from life.

And makes you
Not wont to die........

* I don't know if this is any good
Pls tell me wat y'all think...thanks (:*


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  • 13 years ago

    by beapolkadot

    Love the rhymes. Contradicts the sadness.


  • 13 years ago

    by Ms Happiness

    Ya tears could make u feel better:)
    I like this poem:)

  • 13 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Tears are certainly salty. Sometimes I wished there were no more tears left to cy and all I do is smile.

    I like what you wrote

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