Comments : Me versus a Daydream

  • 13 years ago

    by Decayed

    You're the least one who should be abandoned , lol :P

    You are a genius.

    How trite it would taste

    ^ I like poems which start with 'how' .. it kind of increases my poetic appetite.

    if I begin to paint you in blue and white
    along my flesh, Atlantic

    ^ OMG, from the 2nd line, it sounds so watery... and I like the sound, and the colors. 'Atlantic' also is a wor(l)d which carries a lot of mysteries and treasures.

    your sunburnt waves

    ^ 'sunburnt' ? it sounds weird, but I guess I'm okay with that.. almost repeating it in my mind again and again.

    my matted inside

    ^ wow, what melody waters can make... it's so soothing.

    sunk in salty lotions and furious
    interferences. Me, seeking
    a dress of relief among your dimensions

    ^ Here, you're entering new horizons, redefining your amazing thoughts. Me likey.. :)

    or finding myself;
    unscathed and sparkling

    ^ the comparison between the sound of 'unscathed' and that of 'sparkling' is great. The former sounds strong and emphasizing, the other sounds cool..

    midway, culminating away

    ^ I like the buildup in this verse to the word 'death' .. It kind of sucks me in to the waters.


    you're the ocean,
    I'm just a passenger

    ^ I LOVE such images.. he's the ocean... the origin... your whole world.. and you're the passenger, just someone who would use the ocean to go from side to side... like a tourist in the ocean.

    and tigers can never deny their
    lines, can they?

    ^ SHIZZLE!!!!!! This is what I call GLORY .. You're a tiger girl. I like this explanation of your feelings. At first you painted Atlantic on your flesh (ie, you painted him). And then, you're clarifying the 'you-can't-run-away-from-your-originin' idea,,,, with this beautiful image of tigers. The lines are what differentiate tigers, they make this animal unique. The same thing goes with your lover. He makes you unique. Without him, you're plane as a line-less creature.

    WOWW... I don't have votes left, but this is a winner, defiinitely!!! next week:)

  • 13 years ago

    by Ms Happiness

    Wow great poem:)

  • 13 years ago

    by Yakori bint Muhammed

    I like how you Incorporating the idea of the ocean, subject and tiger to portray your feelings. Very lovely use of words, strong but flows smoothly.

    A masterpeice you've penned. I'm inlove with this...

  • 13 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel

    You're the ocean,
    I'm just a passenger
    and tigers can never deny their
    lines, can they?




    stop it woman! I'm going to get a heart attack.

    the ending of this poem just had me saying


    in my mind..

    it made the whole thing... jeezus.

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    I love how this poem has made me think. I read it a couple of times as I enjoyed it! I love the images, the flow and for me what I got from this poem.

    Forgive me if my interpretation is wrong.

    How trite it would taste
    if I begin to paint you in blue and white
    along my flesh, Atlantic
    This first stanza is a beautiful image, majestic and pure. I love the image of water. Makes me think of the ocean and how much I love it. This alone would make me think of happiness because of the beautiful image but as I kept reading, I felt kind of sad as well.

    your sunburnt waves
    my matted inside
    sunk in salty lotions and furious
    interferences. Me, seeking
    a dress of relief among your dimensions
    This actually reminds me of the time I've been burnt from the sun. How dangerous it is if the proper protection is not followed. I love the idea of seeking a dress of relief. Something that cools your skin and does not stick to it when burnt.

    or finding myself;
    unscathed and sparkling
    midway, culminating away


    you're the ocean,
    I'm just a passenger
    and tigers can never deny their
    lines, can they?
    The last two stanzas for me is what started to make me :(

    There's these photos that went around where this cute animal was left motherless. Instead of getting rid of this animal they decided to paint stripes on it so that when they gave it to the Tigers to raise, they wouldn't be able to tell if it was a little cute piglet or a cub. I always loved those pics that I saw and was in awe of these animals taking in another even though they had thought they were one of their own. This stanza reminds me of that especially since you had written tigers can never deny their lines.

    Though I know it was not the little one's choice to change, the idea of changing for someone else saddens me. Though in this case if is to keep surviving, then I am all for it!!!

    Wonderful poem!!!

    Loved it!!!


    Check it out

  • 13 years ago

    by Karla

    I really liked your poem and the images here. Beautiful piece.Well done.

  • 13 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Firstly I must say well done on the win my lovely poetess :)
    Secondly, I read this a few days back, or maybe it was longer than that and I loved it, my ideas here are that you are trying to be someone else that you daydream about but she isn't here in person just yet, and you yourself are a vision of that person

    I may be totally off subject, and probably am, and also I liked the ending, how you said tigers cant deny there lines, meaning that no-one changes, bit like leopard never changes its spots.
    this is really good and well done on the win :)

    love xxxx

  • 13 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    It's been so long since I've read your poetry and I miss that! So happy you are back and you don't know how refreshing this was.....I love how mysterious it was yet it was inspiring, like looking at the horizon in a new fresh way. I've never been to the ocean, and the way you talked to the Atlantic and made it so intimate, really just made me smile. TO be absorbed in the Atlantic or have the Atlantic in your was just so creative, and there was much more depth beneath your imagery. I LOVED the second half, how you added the "but", and you explain you are just a passenger, and the unexpected tiger bit! I really thought that was unique and really spoken from your heart, that's what I heard so strongly in this was a bit mystique and melancholy at the end, that last imposing question, as if you can't be a part of that ocean. Be in it.

    Will read again, very intriguing!
    Thanks for sharing girl...

  • 13 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    And congratulations on the win! Well-deserved, keep writing, it is beautiful.


  • 13 years ago

    by A lonely soul

    I think the best way to praise this poem, is to go straight to its interpretation, as it is a difficult one, another metaphorical beauty spun from the creative pen of the Poetess.

    How trite it would taste
    if I begin to paint you in blue and white
    along my flesh, Atlantic

    ^How imaginative, this is, and not at all "trite (=dull, stereotyped or archaic)" in her the first thing that bemused me when reading this poem. I would have thought she would have used "novel" (an antonym to trite) here to describe the Atlantic Ocean's beauty. But, then I had to think much deeper to try to interpret this in light of what could be going around her. I suspect that this is just her satirical foreword to the deeper layer painted below, of a picture of the turmoil going on in her lands today.

    your sunburnt waves
    my matted inside
    sunk in salty lotions and furious
    interferences. Me, seeking
    a dress of relief among your dimensions

    ^ depicting the harshness of the season in these parts (Mediterranean sea, some consider a part of the Atlantic) that can be scorching hot during certain parts of the year....I experienced it last year. Certainly, laving (=ignited; glowing with heat; burning) and matted (=tangled) insides are unique simile's used here to describe the "furious interferences" (=turmoil) going on around her. I thought the Poetess will also go on to use the myth of the Greek wind god Aeolus, keeper of the winds, corralling the children of Astraeu, that give names to the harsh drying winds blowing across the Mediterranean most of the year, to reflect more deeply in to the state of bedlam too, but she stopped short. Certainly, one has to find a way out, if caught in the midst of scathing heat and winds, (i.e. revolution/civil war) to stay alive (=survive the outcome), as presented here:
    or finding myself;
    unscathed and sparkling
    midway, culminating away


    you're the ocean,
    I'm just a passenger
    and tigers can never deny their
    lines, can they?

    ^And the humility of being a passenger (=passerby), caught in the vast ocean (=the chaos), is perhaps being reflected here : "tigers (=evil, Satan) can never deny their lines (=ferociousness), can they", as an unrest reshapes her homeland, much to her chagrin. I wonder the title "Me versus a Daydream", could be the same as "Me and my nightmare" .
    But, I have a little advice here, if my interpretation is at all correct.....sometimes it is wise to stay out of the tiger's way, as they do not spare their prey, by their size or them, you are just a prey, on their dinner plate, when they are hungry.

    (Judging comment 2-19-12)

  • 13 years ago

    by victor dyck
