Warm touch.

by DarkLight   Feb 15, 2012

A touch so warm
a kiss so soft.
Eyes like stars,
a voice like love music.
The melody is soothing,
the stare is brightening.
Everything about you has me striving
for something better not only for myself
but for us as well.
All you do is be who you are,
for an odd reason it pushes me to do better.
It is not understandable,
but to me it makes sense.
Perfection is a little much to say,
but in greatness seems to right.
Perfection fits so nudy in my mind.
You seem to suprise me all times
in some kind of unique way.
it all works out for both of us.
It is meant to be...

( edited ......Unknown)


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  • 13 years ago

    by DarkLight

    I appreciate all of u for enjoying the message.

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    I love the sweetness felt in this poem. Beautiful words, lovely meaning.

    Well done


  • 13 years ago

    by Wicked Ways

    Aww I really did feel the warmth of this poem :) it really just a sweet and lovely poem, I can feel the love AW :)

    Everything about you has me striving
    for something better not only for myself
    but for us as well.

    I like this part because its true, yknow you want good things for yourself and the person you love :) good poem :)

  • 13 years ago

    by DarkLight


  • 13 years ago

    by L

    Rally good, sweet.

    I like the end... Unknown.