Comments : I guess he heard me

  • 12 years ago

    by Britt

    I don't know what is more intense, the tears I have forming or the chills running all over my body. This. Was. Moving.

    "I told God I wasn't happy,
    but I guess he must have known that
    because through all the thunders
    of a dark night, I felt peace when my eyes closed again.."

    This piece got to me the most, the most I could relate to. It's like what I was talking about before, God knows every thought before we even think it. He knows us so deeply and intimately, better than we know ourselves. Confess to Him, turn to Him, and the power that is unleashed in your life and in your world will be absolutely moving and amazing.

    This just.. wow. Of course He hears you. He knows of every tear we've ever cried. Don't ever think God is too little to not know us or hear us :) We may not have answered prayers right away, but there is a reason for it. :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness

    What can I say? This poem is so captivating. From the first line itself I was so enticed to keep reading and understanding more and more what it was about

    I loved this poem, I really did. It is sad and beautiful at the same time. I especially love the way you have ended this poem on a happy image. The last line, I felt sunshine run through me!

