An Original Poem By Holly Roberts. <3

by Holly Roberts   Feb 15, 2012

Live every moment.
Laugh every day.
Love beyond words.
And think before you say.
Don't worry about others.
If you be you, I'll be me.
You were born as an original.
Don't die as a copy.
Don't feel so lonely all the time.
Make some true friends, and no fakes!
But remember one thing.
Trust takes years to earn,
But seconds to break.
Don't allow depression in.
Although it can be hard.
Speak what's on your mind.
And always follow your heart.

Love, Holly Roberts.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Holly Roberts

    Thank you. :) I write poems, quite often. (:

  • 13 years ago

    by tainted melody

    This poem was sweet and had a nice flow...u should keep writing and the more u write the better u will get :)