Dark Lover part 5

by Midnight Vanity   Feb 15, 2012

A tear ran down Kiley's cheek
Damien felt really bad
He wanted to tell her
Who he really was but if he did
She wouldn't belive him
"How about we talk about something more happy?"
Damien said
Kiley nodded and smiled a sad smile
"I don't mean to be depressing like this I just really miss him. The sad thing is I just remembered him"
Kiley said, Damien hugged her.
She hugged him back
Damien sat there and let her cry on his shoulder
"You want to catch a movie? Or we could go to the musem or park?"
Damien said
"Let's go to the park tonight its a full moon"
Kiley said
She smiled and Damien smiled back
She remembered how her and Levi used to walk in the woods and hold hands
They found a trail as soon as they got to the park
It was a wooded trail
She grabbed his hand absent mindedly
Damien didn't know what to do
"I rented a cabin just south of here you wanna go?" Damien asked
Kiley nodded

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  • 13 years ago

    by Jump from Life

    PLEASE MAKE A PART 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! luv these poems :)

  • 13 years ago

    by anonymous

    Six!! please :)

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