Resentful, with Nicotine

by Sunshine   Feb 16, 2012

Never seen myself to
be swapped with a lady,
who randomly drafts gray gasps
around people,
not the type to be poisoned
by the sin of my own nicotine.

I decided to quit smoking
right before the urge of
lighting a second cigarette,
reached the lump in my throat.
Then- they puffed on me.

Never wanted to be the
dust of a woman either,
so at times, like now...
I had to stump another last (?)
glowing red head in their face.

For my heart, is not an ashtray,
and I ? was never meant to be
who I am today, but people
made out of me;
a lady who puffs on others.

by: Rania Moallem


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  • 13 years ago

    by Sunshine

    Weekly Contest, Judge comments:

    This is one hell of a poem! The title was definitely very intriguing and creative, as was the content, to say that you are full of hot air and others always puff there smoke on you is a great image, it was really well written, with amazing metaphors and wording... a really good piece that deserves a win this week.

  • 13 years ago

    by yogi73

    Fascinating. I get the image that you and the cigarette are one and the same. You are a gray cloud and your heart is not an ashtray. Nice allegory.

  • 13 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    I love the metaphoric content of this Nana, I mean, we are all full of hot air at times aren't we? and we all puff on others, and can fill others with our poisin as it were.

    Never seen myself to
    be swapped with a lady,
    who randomly drafts gray gasps
    around people,
    not the type to be poisoned
    by the sin of my own nicotine.
    OK Nana, Bare with me, if this makes sense.
    I loved this opening, it was full of strength and assurance, as if you were making a point, a statement to say that you are not someone who is weak, you are someone who can take it with a pinch of salt, it doesn't matter to you what others think. And you are a positive one.

    I decided to quit smoking
    right before the urge of
    lighting a second cigarette,
    reached the lump in my throat.
    Then- they puffed on me.
    Here I got the sense that you were changing, that once upon a time, words hurt you, and you took it to heart but now you won't, and that others can really put you down but you are not someone to light up easy

    Never wanted to be the
    dust of a woman either,
    so at times, like now...
    I had to stump another last (?)
    glowing red head in their face.
    You can get angry easy but you don't ignite that anger on yourself, and that you are strong willed and can give as good as you get

    For my heart, is not an ashtray,
    and I ? was never meant to be
    who I am today, but people
    made out of me;
    a lady who puffs on others.
    I loved the ending almost as much as I loved the start.

    you are one in a million!!! Girl, I loved this,

  • 13 years ago

    by Sunshine

    Seems like u got it right ;) :)
    thank you karla!

  • 13 years ago

    by Karla

    Don't allow people to make you a lady who puffs on others for you Nana is above all the smoke and fire. You are a stella/star/estrela.
    Awesome piece.

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