Forbidden Decadence

by Maple Tree   Feb 17, 2012

Icy, vanilla, creme de la crem deluxe
laced In ruby fire cinnamon, candied poison
melted my strawberry desires to taste the forbidden
virgin tongue slithers like a lizard
crossed a feasting slab of a tree corpse
devouring within one leap of sin

Note: My creative way of expressing how much I loved my Mother in Laws cake~


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  • 13 years ago

    by Yakori bint Muhammed

    I swear even before reading the end note, your words gave made crave for a cake because I've been craving for cakes, for a while, lol.

    It seems so real, I wish it were real, at least to have a sumptuous bite. Lovely dear, your never cease to wow me with your poems. Breathtaking.. I love this and the cake, lol. Blessings :-).

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    Creative is right awesome in every way haha

  • 13 years ago

    by Karla

    This is a perfet tribute.Loved it.

  • 13 years ago

    by Ms Happiness

    Can u bring me a slice of that cake?l lol
    Thats creative:)

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    This is such a very creative way of describing your love for it.

    Firstly if I hadn't already just eated I'd be drooling right now thinking of some kind of dessert lol

    Awesome write. I love the layout and when I first read it, I thought it seemed like a tongue twister at times!!!

    Great poem
