Come on get a grip,get a hold of your self,
grate now I'm talking to myself,
just another clue I'm going insane,
more and more each day i turn,
because I'm not me anymore.
The girl I was with you that was me,
happy content everthing i could be,
but now you gone and have taken my spirit with you,
because the girl i am lies with you the missing peices
there are more than ever.
I know I seem happy I know I seem fine,
I know you can see what I'm desperat to hide,
the girl i have become without you by my side,
I know you have seen the scars on my wrist so natually i told you a lie with a twist,
I know you have seen me almost break down when you announced the new love in your life,
because all could see was your wedding day and she was your wife,
and now here i am just a lonley shell because what am I to you now realy,
the girl who over reacted,the girl who destroyed her own dreams, I don't want to be that girl so how about this,
the girl who you once loved,the girl who still loves you,the girl who you kissed first,the girl who knows and loves the real you.
when you broke up with your new love a glimmer of hope shone bright that we could one day fix this and and love would come together once more.