An Awakening

by Peter Duncombe   Feb 17, 2012

If you exist
Why not you listen?
Are men's lies just a mist?
To distort all reason.
The blind faith of fools,
Who follow like sheep?
Those collared wolves.
What is your name?

The cries of men,
Echo through time.
Unheard by you,
Again and again
Is it not plain,
The truth I see,
With opened eyes,
I see your name.

To know all,
It is not meant to be.
Else life would have no meaning.
You are the darkness,
That binds our souls.
Forever it will be.
And I know your name.
It's 'destiny'!!


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  • 12 years ago

    by Peter Duncombe

    Sorry for the delay in thanking you for your comment Maple Tree. I sincerely hope you have warmed up by now.
    How words can effect people in so many different ways shows us that we are all individuals and should be respected as such.
    Thankyou again.

  • 13 years ago

    by Maple Tree


    this piece gave me shivers.... just a powerful and inspirational piece.. well done~

  • 13 years ago

    by Peter Duncombe

    Thank you for your thoughts Ronel anf your comment. I agree with you but I also think; what and how we live this life determines the life we live in the 'next' one.

  • 13 years ago

    by Ronel McCarthy

    Thought provoking........I think what we do and the way we live shapes our destiny .........maybe the awakening comes when we realise that power within to shape our destiny . Lovely poem