The Love I Lost Though Hating You

by Roronoa Zoro   Feb 17, 2012

As the saying goes, there are plenty of fish in the sea.
But out of them all, only you cared enough about me
It is you, I cannot replace.
It is you, that I want to embrace.
I desire to be in your life
I cannot help not think our love was true.
Yes, we have come across that treacherous road,
that broke us apart and had us implode.
It shattered our love, it pushed us away.
It's something I regret,a price we had to pay
But our love was true, was it not?
I guess our frustration, had us forgot?
I said before, that I was committed to you.
I had never thought, one day we would be through.
You kept coming back and back
When I called you names and pushed you away
No matter how much I hated you
I could not close the door on you
All I did was hold you back on your goals and dreams
You were a huge part of my world, and my life,
Our love was real, it was not fake.
Seeing us drift apart hurts me
I mean all the things that I mentioned above.
Almost two years have passed since you left
You begged me to stay in your life
I am nothing but dust in the wind to you now


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  • 13 years ago

    by Decayed

    Plenty of fish in the sea.... I always say interesting whenever I hear that.

    Good job.

  • 13 years ago

    by Karla


    Don't be sad. Things will change. Time is the answer.

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