What's So Good About Love?

by Roronoa Zoro   Feb 17, 2012

What's so good about love?
It causes nothing but pain
Deep to the bone,
Deep inside my soul
Love is this,
Intangible thing
I cannot seem
To call someone my own
To cherish and hold,
Life is not fair,
Will I ever find,
A nice decent girl
To hold my hand,
To make me feel happy,
Why is love so cruel?
But at the sametime
Makes other's feel joy?
I feel like crying,
As I curl up like a child,
Trying to figure out what I am doing wrong
Is there something wrong with me?
Do I have some kind of anti-love disease,
That makes them run away to other men?
I do not know who love is meant for
But I know for sure it's not for me after all
Everyone else is having childern and getting married
I guess I will always remain
The geeky quiet shy boy
Trying to find my place in this heartless world


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  • 12 years ago

    by Dark Secrets

    I feel this way sometimes. I think we all do at some point. The thing is, you don't really get that kind of connection until you've really connected emotionally and developed that bond. It's hard, it takes time, but it's worth it.

    I liked your poem. It was filled with mixed emotions; a longing for love, anger, sadness, and even self pity. Poems like this are the ones which drive people to relate and live through the experience.

    I think what you need in your poems is spacing, because it helps understand the idea, is easy on the eyes and it gives drama to your poems. Maybe you need some rhythm, you can use rhyme, synonyms, or more metaphors.

    You're on the right track though, keep it up, and keep writing. :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Shifzy

    A very good write :)
    from the heart. 5 on 5!
    keep up :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Stupified

    We love this poem it express so much. You will find the girl your looking for eventually ^^

    Have hopes up :D

  • 13 years ago

    by Jump from Life

    Truly amazing.
    actually, you sound alot like my old friend. gosh i miss him.

    either way, amazing poem. keep writing, okay?

  • 13 years ago

    by Ole Carsten

    I am still crying after your poem, this a full load of emotions some unleashed some not

    I like it


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