Emotional Fear

by BrokenSoul LostHeart   Feb 18, 2012

A tapestry of emotions
Is weaving through my mind
A banner of colors
Needing to unwind
The dark red of anger
Leaves its path of hate
Intertwining with depression
Not a pleasant personality trait
The blues of hurt and fear
Silently seem into the rest
Causing an emotional pattern
Not really quite the best
The deeper silent colors
Of guilt, shame and broken pride
Appears in the art
While trying really to hide
Through the years of pain
The tapestry has grown
To an overwhelming complex picture
Still not all of it is known
For the front of the quilt
Is what we see
And what it shows
Is not really me
Under the colors
You should know
Is a little child
Wanting to grow
One who really wants
To learn to trust again
And not hide behind a smile
And play - "Let's pretend"
But a girl who wants
To just be free
From all that plagues and binds
To just be me
One who can laugh
And laughter is near
One who can jump
And play without fear
The colors of my life
Have woven my fate
Without thoughts of the girl
Trapped within the gate
From inside I cry
"Let her free"
But the tapestry is there
And the emotions won't let her be
Unwind; unravel
Unwind you art
You evil warden
From me depart
Leave the child
Within me to grow
For beauty once again
May she know


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  • 13 years ago

    by BrokenSoul LostHeart

    Thanks and things are better its only been 2 months so yea im getting somewhat better and worse tho lol

  • 13 years ago

    by Captain Lonesome

    I love this poem!! It shows a unrelenting desire to be free and escape from that snaring fog that seems to creep up on us during hardships, then linger in our lives!
    The line "To an overwhelming complex picture
    Still not all of it is known" is my favorite, showing acceptance that the worst may not yet have been faced and the understanding that others may not understand what you are going through!! Great job and I hope thing are looking up for you!!

  • 13 years ago

    by BrokenSoul LostHeart

    This is by another person I dont member the name but this poem has always been my hope I lost my daughter when she was 3 months old and Ive kept this poem with me since i lost her

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