Silent Tears

by BrokenSoul LostHeart   Feb 18, 2012

The tears fell down like rain
And slowly she became
The girl with bitter tears
And left behind her fears
The ones that once were real
Have left her to not feel
The beauty of reality
She left aside her sanity.
They all think shes fine
But they dont see the pain
That only tends to gain
The joy that is now gone
Like everyday at dawn

Silently falling down me cheek
Filled with emotions to hard to explain
Like liquid feelings
Sadness Pain Anger
How could this help
Leaking eyes should be wired
It shouldn't make me feel better
And yet it does
Or maybe it makes me feel worse
Crying over your problems
Incidents Accidents
Which may seem pathetic
But really aren't
Liquid feelings
Being soaked up by my pillow case
For the attempt to make things better
But it never works


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  • 13 years ago

    by BrokenSoul LostHeart

    Thanks and its took me about 2 weeks to write it lol

  • 13 years ago

    by Rihanna

    I can totally relate to this an I'm sure many can love(:

    This was amazingggg how u wrote it hun
    5/5 4 meee(:


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