Pain Pain Go Away......

by lOsT sOuL   Feb 19, 2012

Pain pain go away!
Please do not come back another day.
Tears falling down my face
oh how I wish for her warm embrace.

Wonder if she cares about me.
Wonder if this is suppose to be.
How can she stand there and break my heart
How did we allow us to grow so far apart?

My dreams of us being happy is not going to come true
all I am feeling is down and blue.
Pain pain go away
bring me back to another day

where she loved me and
we thought we were meant to be.
I will not stop loving you that much is true
but I will be stronger in time
and not feel so blue.

you will always be in my heart
even when we are apart.
One day I will have that warm embrace
and tears will stop flowing down my face.

Pain pain go away
leave me alone and do not stay.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Whispy.Gypsy

    Wow beautifully written (i appologize if i misspell something) i look forward to adding u and this poem to my favorites :) 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    It could almost be a prayer for those that have lost that special someone. I liked the wording, the flow and the deep emotion. Excellent

  • 13 years ago

    by Innocent Fairy

    All the great words in the world for this outstanding, amazing pome

    so greatly done,,another favorite,,i loved it 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by BleedinEyes

    Wow..loved this piece.. your poem made me speechless.. i can't explain how much i loved it.. i just keep reading again and again... are a great writer.. keep going jeet.. (:

  • 13 years ago

    by Ms Happiness

    O M G, A M A Z I N G:)

    I trully love this poem, its reallly smart:)