Never Good Enough

by Lizabelle   Feb 19, 2012

It's never good enough, is it?
Not for you, and not for me
Never this, and never that
For me? F-A-T is all I see

Using every means to get what I want
Deceiving and lying to you
It sounds so sick! And it is
So horrible, what I do

Nobody understands why
Even if I were to explain,
Point blank, would they get it?
No! It would just cause more pain

Fighting myself, every step of the way
Yes, no; sad, happy; fat, thin
Aghhhhhh!!! I'm going insane
Each thought a poking, little pin

Hiding and secrecy are my only friends
Besides excercise and my vitamins, I mean
Music just causes pain, so do pictures...
And yet it spurs me on, all that I've seen

When did this start? It's just a bad cycle
Don't eat! Oh, no, I did! What now?
Oh, you know the answer to that, it says seductively
To this...this thing... I must kowtow

I don't want to stop! Wait, yes I do...
Well, I want to be thin, but I don't
Want to ruin my life, now do I?
But it's too strong a pull for my eye

So downwards I spiral
As nobody sees
Blind to my struggles
They're all shut out- only I have the keys


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