How the Tide Turns

by Lizabelle   Feb 19, 2012

This is how the tide does turn
as it makes it's circuit again
this is that which makes me write
I put my paper to this pen-

it's a sickly cycle
that keeps repeating
I can't get out
relief is ever fleeting

all sorts of pain
of both body and the mind
dull aches, sharp stabs, pulsing under skin
and all of them combined

as each emotion takes it's toll
things get worse and worse
it's becoming all I can think about
here's the first one of this curse-

anger, hatred at myself
and at the world outside
brings me down, makes me despair
so does turn this tide

which brings me to the most awful part
the loneliness and the fear
that I'll never be good enough
and other things that make me shed my tears

as I weep, I think of how
pathetic I must be
always thinking about myself
no room for anyone else in here, not until I'm free

and so it repeats, again and again
my inner turmoil making me ail
what's wrong with me, that I am as such?
my whole existence is a sad tale


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