My Hospital Visit

by Lizabelle   Feb 19, 2012

First you must
admit to a doctor
what you have done.

Then you have to
go get your stuff
for your stay.

Go to the check in
and get a strip search,
let them record your visit.

Be ferried up to the
children's area-
label all of your clothes and things.

Sit miserably next to a nice lady
who asks you what your name is;
know that you are doomed.

Eat supper upstairs,
then watch a movie.
G to bed and sleep

Wake up in the middle of the night
from someone taking your blood pressure.
Dress and go to the dayroom.

Talk to the doctor
when he comes by;
take your pills as well.

Go to "group" (therapy)
and have people ask you why you
don't talk.

Do this for a few days
until your doctor offers to
move you to the adolescents' side.

Have slightly more productive
"groups" and have to talk so
people don't think you're a freak.

Have the other teens
remind you that you have to act normal
if you want to get out of this place.

Finally be released
and go home and
have everything be awkward.
And still have to return for day program.



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