Who Says?

by Lizabelle   Feb 19, 2012

Who says that things
are how they are
and who says
why they are?

pleasure is good
but pain is bad
who says?
who says this is true?

why do we say that
destruction is bad
cutting is bad
suicide is bad?

why do we say that
tenderness is good
taking care is good
living is good?

why made things the way they are?
who started it all and told us to follow?

what if
taking care
of ourselves
was bad?

what if
continuing to live
each day
was bad?

what if
punishing ourselves
as we need to be
was good?

what if
disfiguring and
mutilating our bodies
was good?

would that be
so strange?
would that be
so different?

we're already blindly
allowing ourselves to
be led, following rules
obeying laws

giving nary a thought
to whether or not
this is really how it's
supposed to be

this is probably just
the ramblings of
a crazy, deranged

I really don't care
if I'm sane or not
my message
remains the same

stop being led
blindly, without thought
and take a moment,
to pause and ponder

think of the possibilities!
think "it could change"!
and ask yourself
this one thing

would that really be so different?


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