Comments : You.

  • 13 years ago

    by Rachit Bhanage

    Hey wats wrong with ya?
    I mean this simply holds a wave of raw emotions ! U made it at its best,guess its the another genius piece of Urs ! liked it,straight thru my heart !
    "End-pretend,dying-crying,before-floor,feet-seat,now-how,grave-slave,wanted-haunted" Though these words end simple,they are followed by rythmic aswell as a unique assigned meaningful correspondence.
    Excellent work Allie! Appericiated !

  • 13 years ago

    by Rihanna

    You write really good sad poems

    I hope your ok cos the poems you write seem so real and depressing...but wow girl just amazginggg dats all I can say sweetie(:

    5/5 again(: xx

  • 13 years ago

    by James Pike

    Wow! This really touches the soul, and brings out such heartfelt emotions. Excellent piece.

  • 13 years ago

    by DarkLight

    I just feel that pain exposed in this piece of art...but wil only as the same question as Rihana...r u ok?

  • 13 years ago

    by Roronoa Zoro

    You write such sad deep poems that get to my heart great poem none the less love you <3

  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    "and left me haunted
    by nightmares of you
    gently touching me."
    --> I love this part

    Sad and beautiful <3
