
by Sunshine   Feb 20, 2012

Preheat an oven to 350 degrees,
combine words to sugar-
more sugar, then beat
into the despair in my heart;
on standard rate ?

Was that your recipe?

I wonder, were you ready
to insert a knife
in the center of my soul,
until it comes out
spotless, just to make sure
I was ready to be cooled...

Once I'm wholly chilled,
you'd frost this sweetie
with your favorite frosting
or decorate as you desire

But, I'm neither as sweet as you
imagine, nor I'm a drift of breath
to blow with passion into
your kitchen of love.

I'm more than a trend of sweets
that you might find in a cook book,
dedicated to cupcakes.

Not a piece for one individual,
like you convince yourself while
you swallow your sanity-with
a spit of wine that mixes
each inch of pleasure, with
irrational understanding of
my sadness.

Though I've once been burnt,
by the hands of a disloyal chef..
and perhaps my hands now,
look stiff-
as my words sound,
and my eyes, a bit bitter
like my tongue.

But I'm not a leftover,
not anyone's crumbles
to be stitched, cleansed,
or even redecorated into a
whole new plate.

You "ought" to touch up
a lady in a better.. a bitter, cup.

by: Rania Moallem

For every woman who has been hurt, and only became stronger. For every man who tries taking advantage of a broken heart, to fix, and call it his own.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Larry Chamberlin

    My old comment as tiebreaker:

    This tasty diatribe levels Nana's potent talent against those predatory wolves who seek out the heartbroken only to use them for their own nefarious purposes. There is no other poet here who is better equipped to carry off this challenge while speaking in sugar sweet terms. Who else could make such a 'recipe' sound so appealing while baking the object of her derision? A rare offering from the dark side of sunshine.

  • 12 years ago

    by Yrem Crish

    I don't hesitate why this piece deserved to win...emotionally powerful and very touchy. The message is contrived with meaningful thoughts about woman and the man who broke woman's heart. I love the title "cupcake", brilliant choice of title...

    Though I've once been burnt,
    by the hands of a disloyal chef..
    and perhaps my hands now,
    look stiff-
    as my words sound,
    and my eyes, a bit bitter
    like my tongue.

    But I'm not a leftover,
    not anyone's crumbles
    to be stitched, cleansed,
    or even redecorated into a
    whole new plate.---this parts were decorated with resplendent imagery. Though, it is my favorite part...nothing to judge but my speechless impression.

    This one is going to my favorite too...I think I will read it again and again:)

  • 13 years ago

    by A lonely soul

    Well, well, well....another metaphorical beauty, somewhat of an allegory from the pen of a master poetess. But, this time around she is not portraying vulnerability or sadness, but strength, wisdom and conviction, perhaps from lessons learned. The analogy of a new chef (a rescuer here) cooking/baking a sweet cupcake (seducing, an art that some are really talented at), and lacing it with his favorite frosting (honey sweet words iced with lots of sugar, to get attention) to make it more sweet (vulnerable), really made me laugh all the way. Sometimes, this art may work on a grieving heart successfully, or a naive soul, but if the rescuee is as smart as the Poetess's projected character in this poem, she will not be that easy to let down her guard. And this time it will have to be a master chef who really understands the exquisite delicacy of this recipe (feelings) and finds the magic ingredients (honesty, intelligence, compassion and loyalty), before attempting to taste the "cupcake". So tastefully presented here:

    "But, I'm neither as sweet as you
    imagine, nor I'm a drift of breath
    to blow with passion into
    your kitchen of love.

    I'm more than a trend of sweets
    that you might find in a cook book,
    dedicated to cupcakes."

    For, if the chef really wants a delicacy from his oven, he will have to recognize:

    "...I'm not a leftover,
    not anyone's crumbles
    to be stitched, cleansed,
    or even redecorated into a
    whole new plate.

    You "ought" to touch up
    a lady in a better.. a bitter, cup."

    and be someone who has the real character, intelligence and loyalty to match the delicate recipe on his hands, to prove that he is not just another chef who will burn her to "crumbs", in "trying to take advantage of a broken heart, to fix, and call it his own", in the Poetess's own words. So very tastefully baked, with the right amount of frosting to capture the mood of the character in this partial allegory, by our lovely Sunshine "cupcake". (10)

    (Judging comment 2-26-12)

  • 13 years ago

    by Schrodingers cat

    Very eloquently written!! Great piece.

  • 13 years ago

    by nouriguess

    That was truuuuuly heartbreaking! What an imagery, Nana.

    I know what this is speaking of, or at least that's what my tiny mind could understand. Guys with sweet talking, gifts, perfumes, flowers...then BOM a heartbreak! I'm not sure if this poem was personal but I felt as if you were right in my heart, because the pain and the hurt you painted in your words were unbelievably true. What makes it a perfect piece is that you used the cupcakes simile or I don't know what it's called...still it dug deeeeeep into my heart and took out old memories that I was SO afraid to recall and just gave me chills! You absolutely moved my heart. The 'more sugar' sentence made me feel how bitter your heart is, like still adding sugar and....W0W! Y'know what I mean?
    I don't really like the space between your question marks, I don't know maybe you'll think I'm bla bla bla-ing but really it made it look not professional. I LOVEEEEE the 'was that your recipe' line, sarcastic...bitter ....scornful...and held tone!

    'I wonder, were you ready
    to insert a knife in the center
    of my soul, until it comes out
    spotless, just to make sure
    I was ready to be cooled...'

    MY DEAR GOD! Will he dare!? I may cut him to pieces, lol! What a stanza, I become amateurish with my comments when it comes to your poetry, Nana. I can't help myself! haha. You are so sensitive I feel bad about that, don't trust unworthy people, sweetheart, don't give your heart away because it is way more precious than you think ;) I hope this piece made you feel better like innu fashayti 5el2ek bas ....ummmm I don't know we have not talked since a longgg long while so dunno what's new in your life anyway.... This poem was remarkable like every piece of yours. Please keep writing.

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